How The HCG Diet Plan Works
The HCG diet plan is fairly simple once you understand it. It works and millions of people have used it to lose a lot of weight. But if you do it wrong you wont get the results you were hoping for so lets go over the diet.
First lets go over how the HCG diet works and why you take HCG. So the HCG diet consists of two parts that are equally as important.
The first part of the HCG diet plan is the HCG product you take. HCG is taken because anecdotal evidence suggest that it helps keep your hunger down while targeting your storage’s of fat on your body. The second is the low calorie diet. Many people refer to it as the “500 calorie diet” but when in fact it’s not 500 calories and in fact you DO NOT count calories at all. Counting calories is a pain and really doesn’t work too well. The “low calorie diet” which I’ll just call the LCD from now on is simply a choice of foods that you weigh out in the proper amounts so you know you are eating the right amount.
So for each meal you choose from a list of foods. You get a protein of 100 grams (3.5 ounces), a vegetable, a fruit, and melba toast or grissini. You also drink 2 liters of water per day. You can have tea or coffee sweetened with stevia, and you can drink as much of that as you like.
So that’s the basics of what the diet consists of. Before you start the diet however you need your HCG product. There are 2 kinds. oral HCG alternatives and HCG injections.
Personally I prefer the oral method because they are easier to take, very safe, and are cheaper. But if you prefer injections you can use those too. It’s just a lot harder to use them because you have to get a prescription and there’s all sorts of red tape to get through. So I stick with a good oral HCG product. There are however a lot of bad ones out there. They are usually cheap and they are just out to make a sale. The one’s I use can be found here: HCG DIET Accelerator
They have a great product and from what I hear the largest private HCG diet coaching area in the world. You can login and get help from coaches whenever you like which is a big help. But you can use whom you want. I just make a recommendation bec
How is the hCG Diet unique?
hCG is unlike any other diet; in that it resets your metabolism by acting on a portion of your brain leaving you with a faster metabolic rate.
Many of the negative press the hCG diet has absorbed are targeted toward the homeopathic version of hCG. We, at JustMelt® only utilize the pharmaceutical grade through prescription hCG.
During the hCG Diet, you eat 500 calories. Your body is still receiving 2,000-3,000 calories per day by breaking down fat. With the proper vitamin supplementation and blood tests, this diet is safe. Being overweight is dangerous!
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